A downloadable game

This game was created by Aj Osborn, Amy Bobb, and Dorothy Akpovwa

Welcome to Sleep Walker, a 2D platformer in which the player is a sleepwalker trying to navigate through a nightmare. Battle bears and coat racks! Navigate through your nightmares and kill the enemies in order to reach the bed and get back to sound sleeping.

Our assignment was filled with a few ups and downs but at the end of the day, our team was able to solve them. One challenge we faced in this assignment was getting GitHub to work. We realized that we had issues with our .gitignore file and also transferring scenes from one computer to another. It was a struggle trying to collaborate on unity through GitHub because members of the team were not well versed with GitHub. To overcome this challenge, the team reached out to the TA and the professor and worked with them to come up with solutions as to why the game was not running the way it was intended. This project taught us more about the importance of division of labor and how to effectively communicate with the team. A huge success for us was when the game started running properly and we were able to fix the bugs in our program.

Moving forward, we would like to add aminations to the enemies as well as fix the code to have them move around on the platforms. We'd also like to add another enemy, such as a book that can fly towards the player. Since this enemy will not be level, allowing the player to shoot from different angles might be beneficial to implement as well. Editing the layout and the physics will also allow for a smoother gameplay. Another addition we would like to make is working with the tilemapping. This is purely for the aesthetics of the game but will make it feel more interactive for the player. For the final level we would like to implement a boss, the one in control of all the objects becoming enemies, so the player can go back to sleep peacefully.

During beta testing, player feedback included working with the physics, since the player seemed to be floating through the worlds. One level was scaled significantly larger than the others (Level 4) which needed to be fixed in order to make the jumping mirror a platformer game . The box colliders on the enemies were too large and would cause the player to lose lives when it visually was not in contact with the enemy, which lead to frustrations for the players. Once they collided with the enemy it would start the level over from the beginning, which lead to confusion as to why they kept dying with no contact. 


Game!.app.zip 64 MB
Game! (3).zip

Development log


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Liked the concept behind the game and the vibes of the levels you guys created. One thing I would say about some of the objects used in the levels is that they weren't consistent. Some of the platforms for example we're of different thickness to one another, it made the game feel disjointed at times.

I really like the character of the game! I think it was really well done. I really like the different states the character takes. I though that was a really cool addition. 

One possibility for the future is that you guys could make the platforms something else in order for them to fit in more with the game. Additionally, you could add more enemies to make it more challenging. 

Overall super fun, and well done!

I worked on this game :)

If we had more time we would make enemies that can fly, add sprites and assets to the platforms and create a big boss at the end. I had a lot of fun making this game and it was cool to explore the idea of a sleep walker. :)

The game design as well as the theme is both inspirational and excellent. What I am impressed most about the game is that there are so many actions of the character. The player will do actions even when being idle and the player will also do actions when falling down from the slop, making the game more realistic.

Some suggestions will be I noticed that the fourth level is very incompatible with other levels with different zoom angle as well as the jump force. The elevator in this level are moving faster than the player when the player lands on making the player needs to continually jumping in order to not fall off.

Overall a very interesting and playable game! 

The aesthetic of this game is really fun and the whole sleepwalking concept is an interesting story. The idle animation with the yawning is a really nice touch. I think the game could have been improved with sprites for platforms. For example, the background is a starry night, so making the platforms look like clouds can really help sell the environment.

I really love the theme of the game! The idea that a sleep walking is really cool and I like how the animation of the character when it’s idle. Great work!

I love the fighting animation in this one, as well as the idle. I like how the player genuinely looks like they are sleepwalking. I think my only suggestion would be that since the "sleepwalking" takes place in a house and the mobs are also house related, that the background is also part of the house just so that it makes a little more sense.