Development Process, Playtest Feedback

1. The idea of the game was brought up by Amy. We wanted to create a game where everyday objects became nightmares for the user to fight against while traveling safely back to their bed. Some of these enemies were teddy bears and coat hangers. Collectively, we really enjoyed the style an animations of 8-bit games and we wanted to replicate that in our game. The player animations jump frame by frame to give it more of an arcade feel. Dorothy was in charge of working on the level designs along with AJ, who designed a level along with working on the code for the game. Amy also designed a level and worked on the animations for the player. AJ also worked on building the game since we were unable to get GitHub to work. This involved putting all of the levels together and scaling everything down, which proved to be a very time consuming process. 

2. The feedback that we got from the beta testing was very constructive. There were certain mechanics in our game that were not consistent and that was a common point that was brought up. The box colliders on our enemies were too big; even though the player was clearing the enemy when jumping, the player would still die, leaving them confused and frustrated. We also had no sound or sound effects in the game, which we ended up not having time to add but plan on adding in the future. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the story to the game but there were also complaints on the variety of the enemies. At the time we only had the coat hangers implemented. We added in the teddy bears but in future implementations we plan on adding more and even a boss level at the end. There was no end screen or start up screen, which we tried implementing but as we were building we noticed that the buttons stopped working on the startup screen and the player would not even be able to play the game, so we had to scratch it. 


Game! (3).zip
May 09, 2022

Get Sleep Walker

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