Successes, Challenges, and Lessons

One challenge we faced in this assignment was getting GitHub to work. We realized that we had issues with our .gitignore file and also transferring scenes from one computer to another. It was a struggle trying to collaborate on unity through GitHub because members of the team were not well versed with GitHub. To overcome this challenge, the team reached out to the TA and the professor and worked with them to come up with solutions as to why the game was not running the way it was intended. 

This project taught us more about the importance of division of labor and how to effectively communicate with the team. We learned how to properly work on the project by using apps like GitKraken and SourceTree. We started off by sending the levels to one member of the team and they would put everything together. We realized that there were a lot of scaling issues that created problems with the physics of the game. In order to fix this, we had to make sure that the player in all of the scenes was scaled the same. With this, we were able to set the forces to the same value and place the platforms correctly with those physics. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to fix this but it will be helpful in future projects. We also learned how to better manage our time after this project. All members of the team were behind from the previous project and we were already down a member compared to other groups, resulting in us miscalculating the amount of time that was needed to go into this project. We struggled with getting the CineMachine camera to work, so we figured out how to hard code the camera to follow the player. 

A huge success for us was when the game started running properly and we were able to fix the bugs in our program. We achieved this by meeting with the TA and the professor. We also saw success in the design of our game. Our sprites turned out to be what we envisioned in the brainstorming process. There were so many actions of the character and the assets that were created added to the overall feel and theme of the game. All the levels match the aesthetic of our game which could sometimes be tricky when working with multiple people. Seeing our game come to life was a huge success for us. We can say that although the game is not necessarily close at a professional level, we achieved success from the brainstorming process to the actual implementation of the game.


Game! 64 MB
Mar 25, 2022

Get Sleep Walker

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