

We implemented the player movement successfully. The attacking ability of the dog knight also worked successfully. The enemy will follow the player with the help of our enemy AI. The camera followed the player well, and the level transfer was successful. 


The attack of the player is difficult to implement. The dog knight was using the sword, it was hard to determine his attacking range. The movement of the player had some problem initially because the dungeon asset was bumpy, the player couldn't move on without an invisible smooth plane added on top of the asset. Combining the movement with the combat was also a challenge. 

What we learned:

We learned how powerful the navmesh  was. The player can avoid the barriers automatically for just clicking the destination.

Possible future improvemnets:

1. We will add more kinds of enemies. Currently, we only have one kind of trolls, we can add more with different power and health, including a boss.

2.  We would add more visual feedbacks. For collecting keys and bones, we would add the animation to the player. We will add the attack and death animation to the enemy. 

3. We will add a shopping system. For bones collected by the player, they can be used to purchase more kinds of weapons with different power. And we can accumulate the experience after the player kill the enemy, so the dog knight can level up, learning  new abilities and increase his health. 

4. We will build a better UI with icons and different fonts. Give more clear feedback to the player by showing keys collected and increase the font size.

5. Add more sound effects for unlocking the door, enemy's movement and attack.

Files 51 MB
Apr 01, 2022 60 MB
Apr 01, 2022 51 MB
Apr 01, 2022

Get Dungeons and Doggies

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